Top Reasons Why You Need Your Dissertation Proofread

If you are a student who has just finished writing the toughest document of your academic life that is the dissertation, you must be feeling on top of the world and look forward to relaxing without even touching your dissertation for as long as possible. While you might think that you are done writing the paper and there is nothing more you can do, you are wrong. It is because you are not done with the dissertation unless it has been proofread and submitted to the teacher and even then you are not entirely free; the professor might ask you to make some changes or find some issues with the paper that you must address as soon as possible.

What is proofreading all about?

Proofreading is something that you need to understand and know what it is all about. Wikipedia describes proofreading as “the reading of a galley proof or an electronic copy of a publication to detect and correct production errors of text or art. Proofreading is the final step in the editorial cycle”.

Proofreading has been further explained as reading any material and marking it for errors. It is necessary to know that proofreading does not involve any in-depth changes or alterations like checking and removing facts and dates and it must not be confused with editing. Rather, it is the process of reviewing the final draft of a piece of writing to ensure it is consistent and accurate in grammar, spelling, formatting as well as punctuation to make sense to the readers. There are many students who fail to realize the significant of proofreading their work and submit it as soon as they are done with the writing.

Why it is necessary to proofread your dissertation 

The main reason why you need to have your dissertation proofread is that you don’t want the paper submitted to the teacher with mistakes and errors that can cost you precious marks. The dissertation is a highly researched and lengthy piece of research and you do not want all your hard work to go waste just because you were too hasty to read the paper after writing it. The more and better your read, the better results you can look forward to and even impress the teacher with your ability to write such a fine text. 

Top reasons for proofreading your dissertation before handing it over to the teacher

You must know that proofreading is all about going through your written material several times and searching for grammatical, punctuation, spelling and typing mistakes among others. When you will get rid of all these mistakes, your dissertation will be a fine piece that would be read and admired by many for its research as well as writing style and you will be graded accordingly by the teacher; thus is necessary that you proofread your work carefully.

Another reason for proofreading your dissertation is that you don’t want to leave a vocabulary or word mistake in the paper that would alter the meaning of the text and leave the reader wondering what actually you are trying to say in the text. There are many words that are written the same way but mean different while there are others than are written differently but offer the same meaning if read in a particular context so it is important to avoid creating confusion for the readers especially the person who will grade you. 

Proofreading also helps you catch any capitalization, numbering as well as errors of symbols if you have used any in the paper. You don’t want to hand over a dissertation to the teacher that does not make sense and leaves them wondering what you are trying to say. Proofreading of the written material is the final step that must be taken before the document is considered completed and if you not gone through you text for a final time, it is not ready for submission.

The biggest reason why you need to have your dissertation proofread is that it leads to brand consistency. It builds the trust and confidence in what you have done because if your paper is full of mistakes after every line, the reader will begin to doubt what you are saying or the arguments and the evidence you are presenting in the paper. Thus, it is essential that you take care and once you are done with the writing part, take some time off and get back to the paper for proofreading so that you can point out all the mistakes and submit a most well-written and comprehensive paper to the teacher. 

Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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