How to Evaluate Your Education Progress in Easy Steps

Evaluate Education Progress
Evaluation is an important process in every walk of life as it provides us opportunities to develop our skills to cope with our shortcomings. In education evaluation is vital as it enables the students and educational institutes to devise strategies that can provide help in educational progress. Both students and institutes need to highlight the outcomes of their particular planning for educational progress in order to move forward with it or add new methods to improve its effectiveness. A dissertation writing service has shared some steps that are involved in the evaluation of education progress and will help the institutes to analyse that how far they have reached in achieving their aims and objectives.

Identify and Define the Objectives:

The first and crucial step for evaluation is to identify and define your educational objectives. If you are not sure of the skills and abilities that need to be developed, how it will become possible to judge their progress? It is essential to set a criterion regarding each subject that can provide the basis of evaluation process. You need to pin point the capabilities that you want to develop in a particular course. You can highlight your objectives by various procedures like setting up some general aims or list of objectives suggested by curriculum experts.

While identifying your objectives the first and foremost concern of a teacher must be learning outcomes that are arising out of classroom instructions. You need to pay attention to the learning outcomes that are the demand of your curriculum. Focus on learning outcomes will help the teachers to plan and organize the learning activities as well as the evaluation procedures.

Selecting Teaching Strategies:

The next stage for evaluation is to select teaching strategies that will help to acquire the learning objectives. After identifying the objectives, now it is time to decide the content and set a plan of action to achieve the highlighted objectives. The courses and objectives are provided by the educational institutes. Teachers have to analyse the content of particular subjects and come up with strategies that will help the students to enhance their skills and knowledge of various subjects. Introduction of these strategies in the classroom will provide help to enhance the learning environment.

Planning Suitable Learning Activities:

Now it is time to decide and plan learning activities with a focus on the objectives and the teaching strategies. Learning activities will provide deeper insights to the course content and help the students to improve their understanding. Based on the demands of the subject material, teachers can select any type of learning activities. These learning activities can be carried out through analytical, deductive, experimental or a demonstration method. Teachers can use lecture method or group discussions to elaborate a particular topic. The only thing that needs to be focused is that the learning activities should be selected in accordance with the objectives identified for course content.


In this step the teacher observes and measures the learning outcomes through testing. This step is crucial in the process of evaluation. While testing, the teacher will take into account the objectives, teaching strategies and learning activities but the main focus will be on the achievement of objectives. A teacher is only able to attain these objectives by introducing effective teaching strategies and learning activities that can provide students an in-depth knowledge of the subject material.

The teacher will set up a test that is based on the teaching strategies used in the classroom and the learning skills acquired by the students. The test can be oral or written or he may administer a practical test based on the demand of the subject material.

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Providing Feedback Based on Results:

The last step involved in the process of evaluation is the using results of the tests to provide feedback on the performance of students. The results of the tests can be used to improve the learning activities if the teacher feels that the objectives have not been achieved to a great extent. Results can be helpful in highlighting the shortcomings in teaching and learning strategies. The feedback on the results is an important step to evaluate the aims and objectives of the education progress.

The feedback should be used to improve and develop the learning processes for the achievement of objectives. These are some of the steps that will help in the evaluation of education progress. Identification of objectives is an important part in this process as the teachers will decide other strategies in accordance with them. The strategies devised on this basis of objectives will surely enhance the progress in education.

Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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